Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Quilt 6 & 7

Today I received quilt pieces 6&7. They were from the same family. One was from our flower girl at our wedding, she was 3 then and now is in college. The other was from her parents. They were our youth pastors when we were in the youth group. I was happy to see the pieces. It put a smile on my face after a very stressful day at work.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

A mailbox full of excitement

Today I received in the mail two nice packages. The first one was a check from the Georgia Council of exceptional Children for $200 for a mini grant I won. The only problem is I don't know which grant it was for. I applied for one over a year ago and won only to be told they didn't have the money and took it away. I also apply for one for a divison out of the CEC. The check came with no letter and I have receive no emails or anything. I will somehow have to figure out which of the two it could be so that I spend the money for it's intended purposes. The other package was from the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund. I now know which prefecture I will be staying in once we divide into our groups of 20 from Tokyo. My host city and prfecture is Kiryu, Gunma Japan. I am still very excited about this trip. I think I will call my blog "Where in the World is Mrs. Leaptrott" It is something one of my paraprofessionals wrote down in our lesson plans for when I cover Japan. I like it. It is not very orginal but it will work for my students.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Quilt Square 3&4

Today in the mail I received square 3&4 for our daughters 100 wishes quilt. One from a dear lady at church. It is pink with the work love all over it and the other one is from Mike's parents with Snow White and their names airbrushed on it.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Quilt Square 3 and back to school

I started back to work on Monday. Let me tell you gettin up early(between 5:30-6:00am) is for the birds. I have not minded being at work but I am extremely tired. I also receive quilt square 3 from one of my students and his parents. They haven't completed the wish card but they will eventually get it to me. I already have a full load of students. The new class that they created to help out with our numbers is not serving its purpose but that's o.k. I guess. I am just about ready for them to show up but ready or not come Friday morning they will be there.