Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, September 18, 2005


O.K. Rita I'm posting

It's been crazy over the last few weeks. Lots of kids at school, not enough sleep etc.

I am so grateful to God for changes in my life. I look back to when I got out of high school and remember who I thought I would become. I also knew what type of people who would be in my life. I am so glad I was wrong. I used to judge people because they didn't act, think or look like me. Boy was I wrong. When we started going to the Vineyard many moons ago, I realized that people who didn't act, think or look like me were really cool. I assumed by the way they look that there was no way that they could be Christians. Again I was wrong. Some of these people are some of the coolest people I know. They love God and they love those around them. After going to the Vineyard for a while we then went downtown to help plant the vineyard there and that was a very rewarding time in my life. I continued to meet people who I would not have chosen in the past to hang out with. I believe that these people probally love God and are more spiritual than the ones I would have chosen. I have learned many things from these people. I have learn true community. I have learned to be me reguardless of how I feel. If I feel like crap then I am free to tell them and not hind behind a fake smile. I am free to live life. I am free to love God with all I have have.