Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Need Help!

O.K. your are probally thinking something is seriously wrong seeing how I have 2 posts within one day. But it's not that kind of help. I was thinking that I might do something for my little girl while I wait and this is where you come in. I have been reading a lot of blogs lately and there are a few traditions that are common in China. I have read about the "100 wishes quilt". I'm including some instructions that I copied from another blog.

Here's what you do:
Choose a 100% cotton fabric that you like. It can be from a fabric store, fabric you already have, or something that is special to you. (Why 100% cotton? Blends tend to be problematic - don't know why, that's just what the experts tell me.)
Prewash the fabric so it shrinks and is clean; then iron it so that it is straight enough for cutting.
Cut two squares of 100% cotton, washable fabric - use 8"x8"
Add your wish. The wish can be your own words and thoughts, a favorite poem or quote, or whatever. Place it on a 3" x 5" or a 4" x 6" card with a scrap of your fabric glued to the card. Your wish card can be as simple or as elaborate as you'd like. If you feel creative and want to decorate it, that's great too. Your wish can be deep and thought-provoking or something as simple and fun as a wish for a lifetime of great hair days. For those of you who are really into it, you can include a picture of yourself so she can see who sent her the wish.
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break." --An ancient Chinese belief

Robin, I would like to do it the way we did Kate's wedding quilt. What do you think. I'm am going to send a letter to other friend and family at a later date along with a few photos that I still have from Kate's.

I would also like for you to send in a photo of your self along with your wish card that way later I can make a scrap book for her to keep. Please do not use the name Katie at this time because we are not sure that is what we are going to name her. We are looking into finding a name that sound a little more Chinese maybe like Kim Lee or something. Lee is also a family name (Mike's side)

for the few friends who read this please comment and let me know what you think about helping me do a quilt. It's something that we have right about a year to accomplish. Do you think we can do it Robin. Later I'll post a few of the pictures from Kate's quilt.

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