Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Adventure Continues.....

Well so far I've made no progress after 3 weeks of PT. I've actually lost even more of my range of motion. I went to the doctor to see what's up. Because my knee was in the lock position for so long it decided it wanted to stay there. What fun! It's been 2 months since the accident. I now have to go back to surgery for a technique call Knee Manipulation. Here they will put me under and then manipulate my knee to make it bend and straighten. In other words they are going to force it to do something it refuses to do. This procedure will be more painful than the orginal surgery. I was told I will hurt like hell for 2 weeks and will under INTENSIVE physical therapy as if what I was already doing wasn't intensive enough. The last surgery I was at such peace about the whole thing, not so with this one. I have had lots of prayer and really appreciate all who have helped me, either by praying, waiting on me, taking me places, or lending a shoulder to cry on. Tomorrow is special olympics, and in my 12 years of teaching it will be the first one I've ever missed. I am totally bummed about that. I look forward to encouraging my kids on the one day that is set aside just for them to shine. It is always fun. I love my students and hate that I will miss it. I will be glad to get back to normal tough so that I will be able to give them 100% that they deserve. I have only been back for 1 week of full time days to turn around and miss a few more. I have left them in great hands and will pray that tomorrow will be a glorious day for them. Going to go now and eat my last bite of food before midnight.

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