Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Monday, November 07, 2005


Today Mike and I went to an informational meeting on international adoption. It all sounds very exciting but it also sounds very scary. We have talked about going to China to adopt a little girl. After you go through a mountain of paperwork and then get your referral for a child you eventually travel to a foreign country. About 1-2 days after your arrival you get your child. The scary thought is being a first time parent in a foreign county for 2 weeks. I know that once you get there you probably do not think about any of that and you just think about your new child and enjoying your time there.


HotMama said...

I am so excited for you guys! Don't start worring about the details, just take one step at a time. Don't worry about the things that worring is not going to fix. You guys are going to be great parents. And just for the record you are going to be a nervous new mom in whatever country you are in. You'll get through it just fine. I have much faith in your mothering skills!

So when are you guys going to start the proccess?


RedPita said...

I insist on new postings. A good friend fuels my blogging addiction with a smile on her face.