Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Thursday, December 15, 2005


I know that my friends must think that I never blog or when is she going to blog. I have thought about it but never seen to take the time to sit. As most of you know that Mike and I have been considering adoption. Well we have started the process. We have turned in our application and begun our "Home Study". That's just the beginning. For our home study we have to write an autobiography. This is probably the hardest part for me because I am not a big fan of writing. We will also have to have a physical, be fingerprinted locally and by the FBI. After the entire process is over there will be NO SECRETs about us. I am very excited despite all of the paper work.

Rita wants me to blog some of my poems I've been writing. As I said before I am not a great writer. Maybe one day I'll share them with you.

Christmas is almost hear a time of Holiday Cheer. I look forward to spending time with my family. Just think hopefully this time next year I will have a new addition to the family. I am going to attach some pictures of my family including one of a baby boy that we considered adopting. He is my brother-in-laws step daughter's son. She decided that it would be too difficult to let us adopt him because we were family and she would see and here him call us "mommy" and "daddy". He is cute. Hopefully we will still be able to impact his life in some way.

Tomorrow is our (Mine and Mike's) 16th anniversary. That puts us together for 19 years because we dated for 3 years. We will be heading to Atlanta for some time together. We will go out to eat somewhere nice and then we are going to the new Georgia Aquarium. I'm excited about that. I'll post pictures of that on a later date.

TTFN(ta ta for now as Tigger would say)


RedPita said...

Oh my god! 16 years, congrats to one of my most favorite couples ever!

Yes, we wonder when the hell you will blog, but we forgive you cause we love you.

And congrats again on the adoption papers.. its a long road that will be so totally worth it. You guys will be awesome parents. (however, you may need to find a new place to put your fairy. Kids (exspecially baby girls) love shiney things.) :)

As for the poems.. go for it. I siad it before and I'll say it again, anything you write from your heart will be beautiful.

HotMama said...

wow, 16 years very impressive! I hope to see those numbers and years attached to Frank and I one day.

so glad you updated us!

You guys have a great trip and take a lot of pictures of the auqarium. Sounds like fun. congratulations

Jen! said...

How exciting that you are in the adoption process!!! You will be a great mom. I'm happy for you. :)