Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Kids with Cameras

I just watch a documentary called Born into Brothels. It was very sad but somewhat inspiring. A photographer named Zana Briski went into the Red light districts of Calcutta Indian. Originally she was studying the women but eventually fell in love with their kids. She stated a photography class where she gave each kid a camera where they could photograph their lives. She also worked to get some of these kids into schools which was very difficult because their parents were criminals. She wanted to do what she could to keep them from following the footsteps of their parents. Most of the girls born in the brothels usually become prostitutes. The kids did a really GREAT job with their photographs. http://www.kids-with-cameras.org/kidsgallery/ She and others have now started this same type of project in other areas around the world. I was relieved to see that several years later some of the kids are still in the boarding schools looking forward to a brighter future. I was also sadden that some dropped out or were taken out by their parents only to go back to a future with out hope. I would recommend watching this movie but make sure you have some klenex.

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