Waiting for Katie

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, December 19, 2004


Well, today I went downtown for a visit at the Downtown Vineyard. It was good to be back after over a year of being gone. I finally got to see Sarah's and Will's baby girl. She is cute and sweet. I really enjoyed the worship. Next time I'll have to stay and go out to eat with everyone afterwards but I had youth group at my church(Vineyard Church of Augusta). I realized how much I miss everyone down town but I also realize that I am at a point where I don't feel that I fit in anywhere. I have friends of all ages and enjoy doing things with them but have not quite figured out where I really belong. I've always felt like it was working with youth and maybe it still is. I love the kids at the Vineyard and I do feel like I am connecting there but I really thought it would happened sooner(I've been there for 6 months). I'm hoping that at the youth retreat I will develope some closer relationships with those involved. So some times I wonder what my TRUE Purpose is.


Sarah Sansbury said...

nice blog! :)

i really enjoyed seeing you too. you seem so happy and joyfull. it is that which draws people to you for relationships, not so much what you do...making youth likeing you so easy.

i understand though what you mean... i sometimes crave friends who are new moms because i feel so clueless about what i am doing... it is like we have this inherent need for a support group of some sort of others who "understand"

Veronica Leaptrott said...

Thanks Sarah,
The more I've thought about it, maybe my purpose hasn't changed but that it has been redirected in order for God to unveil his plan for me, and that the shift could be what I need for me to focus on the task that will soon come.(motherhood)

RedPita said...

V, it was really nice to see you. I always felt we had this not-quite- acquaintances -not quite-friends type of thing and seeing you again really put a smile on my face. You and Mike should come to dinner one night after the holidays, call me or something.

Veronica Leaptrott said...

Thanks Rita that means a lot to me.